Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Free Writers Workshop?!?

With so many options of places to send your writing, you know where you can send it. But, what about when it is ready to be sent? Is your story or poem ready to be scrutinized by volunteer readers and editors who may or may not know anything about the art of creative writing? Have you showed anyone your work beyond your always supportive-no-matter-what-you-do family? Have you considered sending your work away to one of those “writers’ workshops” online where people determine whether or not your work is even good enough for them to look at? Or have you looked into going to a workshop yourself, but are too afraid people will “hate” your work?

Many writers send their work around without actually knowing if it is ready to be sent around, either because they are too afraid to show people that will tell them to their face how they feel about it, or they are just too lazy or unwilling to get someone’s opinion on their “perfect masterpiece.” Reality Check: I will venture to say that no piece of writing in history was ever a “perfect masterpiece” on the first try.

Here’s the key thing to remember: first, and foremost, writers’ workshops offer opinions. That’s it. However, you can gain great insight into your strengths—and weaknesses—in your piece and as a writer. Ok, ok, so writers’ workshops can be costly, especially if you have to travel. I have a solution: have a FREE online writers workshop.

There is less to be afraid of because you don’t have to see the other writers. You don’t have to have a set meeting time if you don’t want to. There are no costs. But where can I find this kind of writers’ workshop, you ask? Right here, on this blog. If anyone is interested in holding this writers’ workshop, I will moderate the online workshop (I’ve moderated one in person workshop previously) and we can set it up via blog and/or chat room.

Now, there are absolutely no excuses left. Now it’s your turn. Send me a comment on my blog and I’ll get back to you within the week. Cheers!

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